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Nikola Kovac

A member registered Oct 20, 2017

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Thank you Jeiel! I have one prepared for exactly this occasion, will try It out as soon as I find some time.

Great! good luck with your future work!

cool, are you planing to make loading 2k+ maps available?

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Thanks for support!

Here is console readout, after starting on a new file, loading tileset, and pressing "build"

edit: i tried laoding 1k texture and it works. However, it would be cool if bigger textures could be loaded for uses beside pixel art

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Hi, here is a screenshot. I'm in the build mode, there is no preview in the lower right corner. I thought that maybe some other addon is in some sort of conflict with sprytile, so i turned of bPainter and HardOps addonsm after i took thes screenshot but it did not help.

Not visible on this picture is the fact that i can build as intended, i even get semi-transparent preview of the tile, offset works so I can pick the part of my tile set manually via offset but is not the most comfortable workaround.

As far as I could see other features of the addon work as intended.

Thanks for the help.

edit: just to add.. I am using a 2k tileset that I made, for testing, as I do not intend to use Sprytile for pixel art style.


Very interesting and well thought out addon you made! However I am having a slight problem, don't know if I'm doing something wrong. When in build mode tilesheet preview/palette does not appear in the lower right corner. Do I have to enable it somewhere, or could have I maybe closed it by mistake?

I am using blender 2.79, blender internal render and am in material display mode.

Thank you for the great addon and help.